Mobile Marketing Automation
\ˈmō-bəl \ˈmär-kə-tiŋ\ \ˌȯ-tə-ˈmā-shən\Mobile marketing automation is the use of technology to automate and amplify work carried out by marketers seeking to reach mobile users.
“Without mobile marketing automation, if we wanted to send a messaging campaign that isn’t just a full-audience blast, we’d have to manually go through our list of customers, figure out which ones are likely to be interested in an upcoming sale, and then write individual message copy for every single recipient—I mean, it’s technically possible, but it’d be exhausting.”
Mobile Marketing Automation
\ˈmō-bəl \ˈmär-kə-tiŋ\ \ˌȯ-tə-ˈmā-shən\TL;DR
Mobile marketing automation is the use of technology to automate and amplify work carried out by marketers seeking to reach mobile users.
Used in a sentence
“Without mobile marketing automation, if we wanted to send a messaging campaign that isn’t just a full-audience blast, we’d have to manually go through our list of customers, figure out which ones are likely to be interested in an upcoming sale, and then write individual message copy for every single recipient—I mean, it’s technically possible, but it’d be exhausting.”
Mobile marketing automation is software used to automate marketing activities, making it possible for brands to engage, retain, and monetize their mobile audience more successfully and with less effort. This is especially important as the scale of the audience or messaging volume increases. Mobile marketing automation is traditionally associated with brands that have apps; however, mobile marketing automation can also support marketing efforts associated with mobile websites.

Mobile marketing automation confuses some people. It’s a term that’s often used without explaining what it means, and if you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s possible to come away with the idea that mobile marketing automation describes mobile marketing carried out by robots, rather than a technology-supported tool that aids marketers in doing their jobs. Most marketers will know what you’re talking about, but consider giving a little context if you’re using the term around people who aren’t familiar with mobile engagement and what technology makes possible in this space.
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