\kən-ˈvər-zhən\A conversion is a completed action by a customer—such as a purchase—that a brand is working to encourage.
“Because our brand makes its money through in-app advertising instead of purchases, the conversion we focus on the most is app opens.”
A conversion is a completed action by a customer—such as a purchase—that a brand is working to encourage.
Used in a sentence
“Because our brand makes its money through in-app advertising instead of purchases, the conversion we focus on the most is app opens.”
A conversion occurs when a brand successfully encourages a customer to carry out a particular desired action. That could be making a purchase, clicking on a digital ad, opening an app, signing up for a newsletter, or any number of other possible goals. Brands commonly rely on advertising and customer outreach channels (such as email and push notifications) to drive conversions as part of their larger engagement, retention, and monetization strategies. By tracking conversions, brands can gain a better understanding of what factors influence their customers’ behavior, as well as how members of their audience are progressing along their customer journey.
“Conversion” is an exemplar of marketing jargon. It’s widely used and understood by marketers, but step outside that bubble and no one is going to know what you’re talking about. And while it’s useful for marketers to have a word that can refer both to purchases and other successfully achieved goals, the term is a lot more meaningful when it’s clear that, for instance, you’re using “conversions” to refer to in-app purchases and paid subscription renewals, as opposed to ad clicks or app opens. Without that context, using the term can be confusing and even counterproductive.
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